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Maskne” is what happens when the skin is irritated due to the tightness of the mask."

No “maskne” over here…

Hello everyone! I’ve been getting messages in my DMs asking me how to reduce the sudden acne most of us are experiencing due to wearing our masks every day. 

What is Maskne?

Maskne” is what happens when the skin is irritated due to the tightness of the mask. We get acne there when there is inflammation of the sebaceous gland. It’s that inflammation that causes the spots. Remember, acne in general is simply blocked pores. IT IS NOT AN INFECTION! 

"Remember, acne in general is simply blocked pores. IT IS NOT AN INFECTION!"

What causes mask acne?

Every time we wear our mask we are essentially applying pressure to our skin effectively blocking those pores. The physical barrier caused by the mask inadvertently blocks the pores to do what they are assigned to do. When they become blocked, they become inflamed causes spots we call “acne”. Mask  Acne then develops because our pores are clogged by oil, dead skin cells, makeup, dirt, or bacteria. 

So, how to treat mask acne?

Personally, salicylic acid is the first thing I reach for when I need to spot treat. The one product that does the magic for me is the Malin+Goetz acne treatment nighttime. A little dab on a Q-tip goes a long way! I highly recommend this to anyone who is looking for a product that minimizes the appearance of your acne overnight. If it persists, you might want to see a specialist to have a treatment tailored specifically to your needs. 

"Make sure you wash your masks or face coverings especially scarves REGULARLY."

What’s the best way to prevent mask acne?

If you are not working in the health field, please still follow the CDC guidelines. However, there is no need to wear your mask all the time. Perhaps, only wear it when you need to. Also, wear a mask with 100% cotton is essential. This one from ALDO collection is so breathable, gentle on the skin, and yet effective. Also, make sure you wash your masks or face coverings especially scarves REGULARLY. Skincare is also a MUST! Before you wear your face mask, you have to prepare your skin for the mask. It’s important to cleanse your skin making sure you are completely unblocking your pores. It’s also important to hydrate your skin. It’s important to moisturize before you wear your mask and after you take it off in the evening. If your skin is dry, this could exacerbate the problem. HYDRATE! HYDRATE! HYDRATE! Also, I know we love our makeup but we might want to break up with our makeup for now. For the most part, we are all staying home anyways. Remember, makeup is an added barrier that prevents our skin properly. Simply put, cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and wearing sunscreen—helps manage acne because it helps with the skin’s natural shedding process. 

Keep in mind, while maskne can be annoying, ditching your mask is not an option.

For many of us, this is our first time experiencing breakouts and it's unpleasant and might be embarrassing. However, please wash your masks, use gentle skincare products, and just breathe. Keep in mind, while maskne can be annoying, ditching your mask is not an option. I hope you’re well and safe and thank you so much for reading.  

1 opmerking

Cassydy Berliner
Cassydy Berliner
22 aug 2020

This post was so helpful! Thank you for sharing!

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